Evil Men is a podcast from a trio of Canadian comedians, Chris Locke, James Hartnett and Michael Balazo. Each week they chat about an infamous bad guy and ultimately give them a rating.
Over 159 episodes of Evil Men have been released on the main feed since 2021. You can subscribe to the podcast on the Evil Men Podcast Site and get access to bonus episodes via their Patreon.
This site is created and maintained by Christian Miles. It's based on fantastic Bookworm stats site by Joschua, built with Eleventy, a static site generator and hosted for free with CloudFlare Pages. Charts on the site are created using vega-lite.
All site icons are from Game Icons. The main font used is Charter and the Evilpedia logo is Rustique by David Jonathan Ross.
Thanks to Lisa H for most of the initial data and thanks to Chris, Michael and James for all the laughs.